The Upper Ohio Valley Building & Construction Trades Council (UOVBCTC) is an organization of 26 Building Trades Locals and District Councils dedicated to meeting the challenge of an ever changing construction labor market. With pride and professionalism, their highly skilled workforce delivers outstanding value for customers and owners throughout the Upper Ohio Valley.
With comprehensive formal craft, safety, and skill-set training programs, they provide life-long career opportunities to those that have the discipline and determination to be professionals in the construction industry.
Chartered on January 17, 1939 in Wheeling, West Virginia, the UOVBCTC covers a nine county area in two states.Their jurisdiction covers Jefferson, Belmont, Harrison, and Guernsey counties in Ohio and Hancock, Brooke, Ohio, Marshall, and Wetzel counties in West Virginia.

The Upper Ohio Valley Building Trades played an important role in the construction of the Belmont Senior Services Center.
UOVBCTC and the Ohio Valley Construction Employers Council have combined their resources and collective membership to create a relationship for labor-management decisions aimed at creating economic growth and increased job opportunities for the labor force in the Upper Ohio Valley.
Project Best is a construction industry labor-management organization encompassing over 500 contractors and 6,000 building trades craftsmen and apprentices with the primary purpose of promoting jobs for its participants by providing quality and safety conscious craftsmen and on-time completion of projects within budget to its commercial and industrial customers and encouraging economic development throughout the region it serves.