Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant
Skilled craftsmen and women helped build both of Ohio’s two nuclear power facilities.
In the 1970s, Building Trades journeymen and women constructed the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in Oak Harbor, located in northwest Ohio near the shores of Lake Erie.
The pressurized water reactor unit produced its first electricity in 1977 and since that time, the region’s Building Trades have provided their skill and talent for plant outages and other maintenance projects.
In 2014, the 908-megawatt facility underwent its largest project since its original construction, as more than 1,000 ACT Ohio members replaced two steam generators.

Perry Nuclear Power Plant
In the early 1980s, union members constructed the nation’s 100th nuclear power plant – Perry Nuclear Power Plant. Today, Perry is the largest single energy producing facility in the First Energy fleet.
Considered one of the largest nuclear plants in the U.S., Perry is a 1,260-megawatt boiling water reactor unit. It produces more than enough electricity to power 1 million homes daily.
Building trade members routinely work on the plant during shutdowns and provide the timely, skilled labor needed to finish these maintenance projects on tight timelines.