Matt Szollosi
ACT Ohio Executive Director Matt Szollosi was recently appointed to fill a Fair Contracting position on the Board of Directors of the National Alliance for Fair Contracting (NAFC).
“Your selection reflects the commitment and dedication you have shown as a leader in the fair contracting field,” said NAFC Chairman Rocco Davis, in a letter alerting Szollosi of his appointment. “We look forward to your leadership and participation in NAFC as it continues to be one of the premier labor-management organizations in the nation.”
The NAFC is a labor-management alliance of fair contracting organizations, contractors, and labor unions committed to promoting fairness in public contracting across the nation. The organization provides a national network and clearinghouse for those committed to maintaining a fair and level playing field in public contracting. NAFC also helps to establish fair contracting organizations around the nation.
The NAFC Board of Directors includes representatives from member fair contracting organizations, contractor organizations, and labor unions.
Szollosi said it was an honor to accept the appointment to the NAFC Board, adding that the goals of the group are directly in line with his work for the Affiliated Construction Trades of Ohio (ACT Ohio).
“I look forward to contributing to the NAFC Board of Directors, which will help us build and strengthen our organization here.” Szollosi said. “Working to support laws that allow for a level playing field in public construction is critical — in Ohio and across the country.”
First elected to the Ohio House in 2006, Szollosi served four terms, representing his Toledo-area district was also serving as a strong voice for economic development and the skilled construction trades.
Before becoming ACT Ohio’s first executive director in June 2013, Szollosi worked for a Toledo-based law firm specializing in labor law.